Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Telnet: Task A

Connecting to Deakin University Library via Telnet was the first task we were required to do. Through this we were asked to connect and search through the library computer.

To see if I had Telnet installed on my computer, I clicked on Start> Run> typed Telnet.
This is what I got: (I guess this meant that Telnet was already on my computer!)

I then typed library.deakin.edu.au to connect to the library.

It then asked which terminal I was using. I was confused at this point, so I searched on the internet and realised that I was using VT100.

I was then connected to the Deakin University Library.

Here, I searched for books by the author name of Bennahum. These are the results I received:

I then chose to print both titles to my curtin email.

Finally, I logged into my curtin email account and there it was! The information I had requested had been sent to me! TASK A COMPLETED!!

This was the first time I was experiencing Telnet, and to be honest it was not as complicated as I thought it would be! This was an interesting task and it feels great that I've learnt something new!

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