Sunday, July 27, 2008

Module 4: Organising Search Information Task

For this task I decided to use Connotea (which is a free online reference management).

  • URL:
  • AUTHOR: Peter Svensson
  • SUMMARY: This site discusses the issues regarding a tracking system being used for advertisement purposes on the internet. There are concerns over personal information being accessed and passed on without the individual's acknowledgement. In this article, it mentions how a number of companies in the US are testing the tracking system. Many people have complained and raised issues about their personal information being accessed and sent to others that many companies have decided not to even test the tracking system. The internet is a very broad and powerful tool that it can have a negative impact on an individual if it is used inappropriately.

  • URL:
  • INSTITUTION: Clearblogs
  • SUMMARY: This site talks about how individuals these days are making money online. Some people earning more money online that they work full-time on the net rather than having a 9-5 job. The site explains how selling an item on the internet is the best way in making money rather than placing simple ads online or completing paid internet surveys.

  • URL:
  • INSTITUTION: William and Gayle Cook Music Library
  • SUMMARY: This is a music library with a variety of information including journals and magazines. It is a great site for those wanting to learn more about music, from the history of music up to the ways music is recorded in studios. It is a site with a huge amount of different information.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Module 4: Boolean Searching Task

I decided to use Google Advanced Search for this task. Here I searched for "audio equipment" but then I added "sale" to my search so that I could get the results that I wanted. There was a total of 1,210,000 hits from the search. The first few hits were quite of relevance to me since they were the type of information I was looking for.

To find the most number of hits relating to the key words and information most relevant to me, I searched for "audio equipment sale". The information I was searching for was for the prices and sales of audio equipments. To find information coming from only university sources, I believe I would have to type in "university" along with my keywords in my search.
The great point about Boolean Searching is that it narrows the search and specificially finds information most relevant to the searcher. This is a very useful tool since it excludes unnecessary information appearing in the search results and it is a more efficient method of finding certain informations.

Module 4: Searching the Web

SEARCH ENGINE TASK is the main search engine I use on a regular basis. I did a search on "audio equipment" and these were the results:

The first hit was titled "Audio Equipment - Australia" and there were 15,200,000 hits in total. (The snapshot below is the first 5 hits from Google!)

I then used Copernic to search for "audio equipment" and there was a massive difference in the number of hits compared to what I got from Google. The first hit was titled "Audio Visual Equipment" and there was a total of 79 hits from Copernic.

Here is also a snapshot of the first 5 hits from Copernic:

The difference between these two results is the number of hits in total. Google has a much greater number of hits compared to the results from Copernic. To me, both search engines gave information I was searching for. However, from first glance, the results from Copernic appeared to be much more relevant to me. This is obviously due to the fact that Copernic does a more specific search rather than Google.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Module 4: Tools for Using the Web

  1. Adobe's pdf reader
    I already had this program downloaded and installed on my computer. This is a very useful program since there are many documents online that are created in pdf format.
  2. Flash/Shockwave Players
    I visited the Adobe website to see if I had Flash and Shockwave. It confirmed that I had Flash already installed but there was no sign of Shockwave. I then installed Shockwave immediately. I thought I had both on my computer but I guess I didn't! Now-a-days, many websites contain Flash images so it is important to have this.
  3. Media Players
    I already had all three media players (Apple Quicktime, Windows Media Player, and Real Networks Real One) installed on my computer. I've used all three media players before and in my opinion, I prefer Quicktime and Windows Media Player! I rarely use Real One, but it is a media player that should be installed on all computers just in case you come across a Real Player file!
  4. Search Manager/Combiners
    I downloaded Copernic Meta for PC since I'm a Windows user! I've never used such a program before so this was something new to me. It was quite interesting to see how you could get so many search results from different search engines by using this one program. This seems like a useful tool when in need to search for lots of information!
  5. Bookmark Manager
    I downloaded and installed Bookmark Buddy for Windows. I've been aware of this program but I never decided to install it (I guess it's because I didn't feel the need for it). Using this Bookmark Manager program, it helps organize and keeps track of the sites visited.
  6. Offline Browser/Copier
    I didn't have either programs (WebCopier and PageSucker) installed on my computer so I decided to download PageSucker. This is a great program where you are able to save pages from websites so that it can be viewed without the internet. I guess this is a handy tool for the times when you are unable to gain access to the internet!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Module 3: Web 2.0

According to Wikipedia, web 2.0 is used to describe the use of the World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to improve creativity and sharing of information. Looking at the Internet Communications Blinklist and comparing it with the html version of it was quite interesting.

The difference between the two:
  • Web 2.0 is more stylish in design and the layout is well set out.
  • The structure of the html version is very basic and the layout/design is quite boring.
  • Web 2.0 is easier to view and has graphics whereas the html version has no images and text only. (Too much text can make the eyes tired - that's just my opinion!)

The benefits of the two is that web 2.0 has much more freedom than that of the html version. I prefer Web 2.0 since it has a cool style layout and it's interesting to look at. However, the html version just seems boring.

Module 3: Blogs

I've never experienced using blogs until now! (Thanks to Curtin University I've now become a blogger!)
  • Blogs can be used by anyone - experienced or not, anyone can use it!
  • It's simple and easy to use
  • You can create your own style and design to meet your needs
  • Blogs can be used for personal as well as professional use
  • Fun and exciting way to express your opinions and gather information

Blogs can be used in many different ways - Personal or professional.
One of the blogs I visit frequently is a blog by DJ Smith & Wesson ( It is a blog where the DJ uploads his music for all to listen to. I enjoy visiting this site because it has a great vibe and great music! Blogs such as this one can be used in a way to promote one's work - in this case, promoting his music. Blogging can be a great way of advertising and for promotion.

Another blog I found about is This is a blog site on celebrities - updates on what is going on with them. It's an interesting site to see once in awhile. This blog has many interesting articles and photos.

Now for blogs more on the serious side!
This site ( is a financial blog by Neville. It shows how and what he has done to earn money through the internet. He also seems to receive donations from people and uses the money in a very kind way! (Recently he has donated a computer to a library!)
I found this blog quite different from other blogs since it shows how an individual makes money and spends it on charity!

Many blogs are used for articles relating to politics. An example of this is the NY Times Blog (, it has many articles! Personally, I'm not into politics so.. I find these kind of blogs quite boring. Anyway, blogging is a very useful way of expressing opinions and thoughts. I find blogging easy, simple to use and fun! As mentioned before, there is a variety of blogs containing different informations and topics.

Module 3: FTP

I tried uploading my 'test page' using FTP but it didn't work.

Thanks to our discussion board, I then realised that there was a presentations page created for us to upload our web page!

My web page URL:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Module 3: Legal Issues

Have you used images or words on your web page or website that contravene copyright laws?
There is only 1 image file on my web page and it is an image of a turntable which I found on my computer. The words on the page are all created by myself and does not breach any copyright laws.

Would you be in breach of copyright if you put the Curtin logo at the top of your web page for an assignment?
In order to place the Curtin logo on my web page for an assignment I would need to be given permission from Curtin University before I can use the logo. According to the Curtin Copyright Brochure, it mentions that permission should be requested in writing or email. Once granted, I will be able to put the Curtin logo on my web page without the worry of breaching any copyright laws!

Module 3: HTML Tags

For this task, we were required to go through a tutorial on html.
After completing the online tutorial, I then created my own web page.

Here's my nice and simple page:

I decided to create a short and simple web page - nothing over the top.
As I was going through the tutorial exercises, I found it quite basic since I've used html before.
I'm not a professional at it but I am quite familiar with html. I found this task straight forward and not difficult at all. The tutorial was an interesting one, it's been awhile since I've used html!

Differences between HTML and blogging:

  • Blogging is simple and straight forward - anyone can use it.
  • HTML is more advanced and complicated.
  • With blogging, you don't really have to go through the hassle of creating templates - they're provided and all you have to do is choose which one you want to use. In contrast, HTML gives you the option of creating and designing your own layout without any barriers. You can create whatever style you desire!
  • HTML requires time since you have to type it all out.

I have my own pros and cons on both blogging and html but in the end I prefer using html since you can create your own style and design. With blogging you have a limit on what you can do but with html, you can add so much more. HTML can get boring and time consuming but in the end, I believe the work done through html is much better than that of blogging.