Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Module 4: Searching the Web


Google.com is the main search engine I use on a regular basis. I did a search on "audio equipment" and these were the results:

The first hit was titled "Audio Equipment - Australia" and there were 15,200,000 hits in total. (The snapshot below is the first 5 hits from Google!)

I then used Copernic to search for "audio equipment" and there was a massive difference in the number of hits compared to what I got from Google. The first hit was titled "Audio Visual Equipment" and there was a total of 79 hits from Copernic.

Here is also a snapshot of the first 5 hits from Copernic:

The difference between these two results is the number of hits in total. Google has a much greater number of hits compared to the results from Copernic. To me, both search engines gave information I was searching for. However, from first glance, the results from Copernic appeared to be much more relevant to me. This is obviously due to the fact that Copernic does a more specific search rather than Google.

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